Be Smart Be Safe
One feature of this hike that can be daunting is the fact that it runs along a fairly steep ridge line.
What that leads to with oak leaves, ice and snow are moments that leave you staring at the sky, unexpectedly. No pun intended Lol
I wasn’t injured, any of the THREE times I found myself belly up, except for my pride. Luckily no one was there to laugh at me. It was an interesting perspective of the world, laying there on my back. And No, I didn’t take a picture.
Where I’m going with this is that even though you may not need an extra bit of food, and more than a liter of water, but you never know when you may end up stranded without help OR potentially find another hiker in a similar predicament.
- Alway let someone know where you’re hiking and leave an itinerary and alternate.
- Carry enough food and water for two. Non-perishable or extended shelf life protein sources are a very easy to find. And a Sawyer water filter is very small, light and screws right onto a standard 1 liter bottle. Easy Peazy
- Be aware of cell coverage on your hike if at all possible and always start your hike with a fully charged phone and be aware of emergency mode battery usage settings.