This was one of the rare occasions that I didn’t have any idea where I wanted to go until I picked up my MTO in North Warren.
Seemed like a good idea to hike the opposite side of the ridge that I had hiked the week prior.
SO back to the same NCT trailhead on Route 59. That was interesting, it hadn’t been plowed and I have like 6 inches clearance. Needless to say I parked as close to 59 as I could. I keep a come-a-long and 100 feet of heavy duty rope in my trunk, just in case.
Onward, LOTS of tracks on the trail, it had just snowed a few inches the day before so there were tracks everywhere. I took a pretty good picture of what I assume is a bobcat track. It was super fresh. Saw the same size cat track further down the trail. I’m thinking maybe it was the same cat. And it’s no wonder, grouse, chipmunks, mice, squirrels, deer, raccoon. Plenty of food for sure!!
You would think hiking old railroad bed would be easy but it kind of sucks. You have to be very careful with covered sink holes and divots. Lots of ankle twisters for sure!
From the top down. From the parking lot there’s a mile and a half stretch of nice second growth pine that transitions into a logged out section. From there it’s mud, mud, mud for a few miles. I’m guessing in the Summer the mosquitos and black flies are just brutal through here.
There is a payoff, once you start to see Hemlock Run on your left you basically follow it all the way down. It’s wet, lots of stream crossings. Most all are just quick jumps with lots of rocks. Knowing the typography you may be inclined to just hoof it to the bottom and skip the railroad bed walks.
There is a beautiful campsite at the bottom where Hemlock Run dumps into the reservoir. When the water is up to Summer pool I’m not sure there would be much to look at.
The way back, well that’s called a training hike Haha I enjoy getting my ass kicked so I’m usually a “don’t stop until we get to the top” hiker. But be warned, all 5 miles are up hill on the way back. 🙂
Next time I want to arrange a drop and do the whole 10 miles from Chapel Bay to Sugar Bay and camp at the Hammond Run campsite.
That thought makes me happy inside 🙂
Thanks for stopping by enjoy the pics.